GB Carts


 GB Tech


An easy to follow GB Cart Tutorial

OK, you cracked down and now you want to make a cartridge capable of being written and re-written with a cart programmer. Here's how to turn an ordinary GB cart into an extraordinary cart.


You first must pick a cart that can be used for all-around purposes. These carts are of the early Black and White GB design. Some possible choices are:
Another Bible, Donkey Kong Land 95, Dungeonland, Kirby 2, Super Marioland II, Super Marioland III, Mario´s Picross, Metroid 2, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Lucle, Kirby Blockball, Kirby Dreamland II, World Cup USA 94, WarioLand, etc..

You know you have a useable cart when the insides look like this:
Inside useable carts, there are 4 chips and a battery.
The useable carts have inside them:
  • 4 chips (2 large (Sharp LH534 and HYUNDAI HY626ALL), 1 medium(MBC1), 1 small(6129))
  • 1 round battery
  • (USUALLY) A few resistors

    But I'm getting ahead of first need to be able to get the cart open. If you want things to be neat and tidy, you can order a special tool that works on the screw on GB carts. If you prefer to just pop it open and glue it back together later, use a pair of needle-nosed pliers to pry apart at the VERY edges of the bottom of the cart. The thing will *-*POP*-* open and you can use your fingers to pry it from there. This method is not recommended, but can be used in a pinch.

    No you must un-solder the ROM. The ROM is on the lower right, labeled something like LH534. To unsolder, refer to this diagram and the text. You must un-solder pin by pin, bending up each pin as you go so you don't re-solder it to the board. Also, make ABSOLUTE sure that NON of the solder pads (spots where pins attach) are crossed by solder. That said, here's your diagram:
    You must un-solder pin by pin, bending up each pin as you go so you don't re-solder it to the board. Also, make ABSOLUTE sure that NON of the solder pads (spots where pins attach) are crossed by solder.

  •  Jeff's site
     Nice site, containts tons of: C and ASM code, Hardware ideas and schematics, links, and docs.

     Reiner Ziegler's REAPLUS Site
     Reiner Ziegler has some great GB cart design/writer information here, along with REAPLUS, his awesome writing software!

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